Tuesday, December 11, 2012



My website is under construction as we speak!

Stay tuned!

Until then, enjoy this blog.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Mixed Media On Canvas


Panel 1 Detail
Panel 2 Detail

Panel 3 Detail

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Triptych Update


Update: The base is complete, now for the details. 


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

New Piece is Underway! UPDATED!

I have finally begun my latest commissioned piece!
It's in the very beginning stages, but I am really excited and it has my creative juices flowing like white water rapids! 
Think geothermal topographic map... Check back for updates...

Untitled triptych: Image 1

Untitled triptych center panel
8.30.12 - Update #1

Update #1

Panel 3 detail
9.10.12 - Update #2

The triptych is going through puberty...it's a little awkward,
but it'll go from goose to swan in no time!
Texture thumbnails

Monday, June 11, 2012

for grw / update / no.1

"Since You've Gone: G1"
mixed media on canvas
update no.1

full image update no.1
detail update no.1

detail update no.2

detail update no.3

Friday, June 1, 2012

mixed / media

This constantly evolving conceptual piece is inspired by and dedicated to GRW. With embedded images and text, every section contains significance to both the artist and the muse. The visceral strokes made by hand, knife, tube, and brush, coupled with the texture, symbolize the unsettling feeling that comes with loss and sorrow. The numerical date directly corresponds with the number of gray lines on the canvas, counting the days that have passed since May 11, 2012. This piece can only be completed by the muse, GRW, leaving the overall composition unfinished until an unknown future date. If never finished, the canvas will eventually become completely gray.

Updates on the evolution of "G1" will be periodically posted.

"Since You've Gone: G1"
Mixed Media on Canvas


detail no.1

detail no.2

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

for / grw

After 7 years of training, and a 3 year hiatus, I have finally returned to my photographic roots.  These grainy, closely cropped images are visual interpretations of the feelings that are swirling within me. Known for my "dirty" portraits, I feel that using high contrast grainy films and filters, along with selective focus, perfectly express my artistic expression and point of view. For me, shooting only the face speaks louder than the whole figure ever could. The beginning of this series attempts to define the commonly used phrase: "The eyes are the window to the soul." When words fail, our eyes do all the talking.
This series is whole-heartedly dedicated to GRW.

"for grw"
ashley compton / may 2012
Part of the series "Since You've Gone"

"waiting for you"
for g / no.1

"it's all for you"
for g / no.2

"fading without you"
for g / no.3

"morning song"
for g / no.4

"holding you"
for g / no.5

"just before dawn"
for g / no.6

"let the light heal"
for g / no.7

"looking up at you"
for g / no.8

"i don't want to miss a word you say"
 for g / no.9

"watching you sleep"
 for g / no.10

"cold without you"
 for g / no.11

"that's my heart beating your name"
 for g / no.12

"cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind"
 for g / no.13

Thursday, April 12, 2012

blog / website

I haven't forgotten about y'all! I'm currently working on a website for my artwork.
It's coming soon!